
Livestreaming kan bringe fans helt tæt op kunstnere. Se eksempel her med Duné.

At introducere ny teknologi med kort varsel kan føre til mange problemer.


Pedro fik en lys idé til en privatfest, hvor han talte med Mathias, Johan og Jeppe. De drøftede muligheden for at live streame en koncert med bandet Duné, hvor Mathias er forsanger. Med en snarlig udsolgt koncert i Pumpehuset, så vi en chance for at bringe musikelskere tættere på handlingen. Vi ville sætte digitale fans på første række. Hurtigt blev ideen til virkelighed, og vi planlagde at bruge et GoPro kamera til at optage koncertens højdepunkter.


At introducere ny teknologi med kort varsel kan føre til mange problemer. Det var afgørende at få adgang til Pumpehuset tidligt nok til at teste udstyret grundigt. YouTube var også ret nyt inden for live streaming, så vi var usikre på, om en uges organisk promovering ville være tilstrækkelig til at tiltrække et publikum.


Efter tre nætters intensiv testing og med en perfekt placering over scenen, var vores team på fire klar til at gå live på YouTube. Vi valgte et GoPro som vores hovedkamera, og Mathias bragte det i spil ved at interagere direkte med fans online, holde kameraet under sange og svare på kommentarer i realtid.


Koncerten blev streamet live på YouTube, og kommentarsporet eksploderede. Over 3500 mennesker deltog virtuelt, hvilket var imponerende i 2014. Bandet og deres management var så imponerede, at vi allerede den næste måned stod for endnu en livestream, denne gang fra Huset i Magstræde, hvor over 10.000 online fans samledes.

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Telefon : +45 20119996
Mail : pedro@cphlive.dk

For the english speaking: 

Livestreaming Can Bring Fans Closer to Artists: The Case Study of Duné



Pedro had a bright idea at a private party while talking to Mathias, Johan, and Jeppe. They discussed the possibility of livestreaming a concert by the band Duné, where Mathias is the lead singer. With a sold-out concert at Pumpehuset, we wanted to add an extra audience through livestreaming and bring them in front of the stage, closer to the action. We aimed to put digital fans in the front row. Quickly, the idea turned into a plan, and we prepared to use a GoPro camera to capture the highlights of the concert.


Introducing new technology on short notice can lead to numerous issues. It was crucial to gain access to Pumpehuset early enough to thoroughly test the equipment. YouTube was also quite new to livestreaming back then, so we were unsure if a week of organic promotion would suffice to draw an audience.


After three nights of intensive testing and with an ideal placement above the stage, our team of four was ready to go live on YouTube. We selected a GoPro as our main camera, and Mathias engaged directly with online fans, holding the camera during songs and responding to comments in real-time.


The concert was streamed live on YouTube, and the comment thread exploded. Over 3,500 people participated virtually, which was impressive back in 2014. The band and their management were so impressed that we were tasked with another livestream the following month from Huset i Magstræde, where over 10,000 online fans gathered.
Are you curious to find out how livestreaming and events can enhance your visibility and create engagement? Contact us to discover how we can help you bring your event directly to your fans, no matter where they are.

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